Stuck between creative projects?
Lost your mojo and missing the muse?
Feeling a bit world weary?
Pack your art supplies and bring a thermos - we're heading off on a restorative and inspiring artist's adventure ... Into Nature.
I've noticed a pattern in the creative process. I'm guessing you have too.
It has a rhythm like an ocean wave, from the rising of ideas, the exhilaration as it crests, the gradual slowing as it folds and spreads, to the quiet period as it pulls back to begin again.
Most of us love the first three phases... the fourth can feel more of a challenge!
So what can we do when we're ready for new ideas, or in need of some restorative downtime?
We can turn to nature, the ultimate muse.
In this course we enter into the abundance of the natural world for guidance and inspiration.

🌱 Maybe you've been working hard on a particular project for a sustained period, and need to slow down.
🌱 Maybe you're in the pause between creative projects - or even single artworks - and you can't seem to find any excitement or inspiration for the next one.
🌱 Maybe you've been lost in the NoMojo Desert for a while now, and are more than ready for your next idea.... it just doesn't seem to be coming.
🌱 Or maybe you're just looking for some fresh ideas, and the concept of collaborating with nature sounds really fun!
Whether you're looking for new ideas, a change of pace, or a soft creative place to land, this course combines the need for slowing down with the need to create and feel inspired...
Come with me through the garden gate, and I'll share with you what I know about making art in collaboration with nature as a restful, restorative, idea-generating adventure.
🌱Into Nature is for you if...
- You recently finished a project/artwork and are in what I jokingly call the 'Afterslump' - feeling a bit flat and like a pause is in order, but still wanting to make things
- You've found this year challenging so far, and are either exhausted, drained of energy, low on inspiration, or all of the above
- You haven't been in touch with nature much recently and miss it
- You've never been much into nature but have an inkling it might do you some good to get to know it a bit better
- You're the sort of person who doesn't find doing literally nothing very relaxing, whereas doing something simple and creative feels restorative and well-filling
- You've seen my walking stories on Instagram and want more of that!
- You want both comfort and inspiration just now
- It's been go go go and you're ready for a bit of a slow down, a reconnection with nature {and yourself}, through the medium of art
"Tara's Into Nature course will have you enjoying nature and drawing! She's an excellent teacher, encourager, and has her own body of work inspired by nature!"
Shilpa Agashe
Want to know what it's like?
Press play for a peek into the kind of things we'll do together.
"I'm really enjoying the course so far, gained so much and only done one lesson!"
Rachel G.
What's inside?
A variety of guided journeys into making art in, with, and about nature.
Take a walk + Make Your Own Sketchbooks
Based on my popular 'walking stories' on Instagram, we'll start with a walk, some sketchbook play, and two quick and easy ways to make portable sketchbooks
Collecting Compositions + Same Old, Made New
A slideshow sharing ten ways to 'collect' compositions for use in your art, and then we'll use those to experience a daily natural sight with fresh eyes
Drawing from Nature + Bringing the Outside In
Abstractifying a familiar landscape, and ways to bring nature into your home & life
Life Cycles + Embellishing Your Art
Treat yourself to some flowers in the name of art, practice your observation skills, and then we'll look at some ways to add that extra spark to your work
Adventures in Clay + Sticks and Stones
We'll play with clay and use sticks and stones to make some art
Art in the Landscape + Art 'with' the landscape
Time to get all Andy Goldsworthy and explore land art, plus an intro to pigment making
Field Trip + Eco Printing
It's time to visit that place you've been wanting to go to and never found the time! I'll be doing this myself {and bringing you along}, and then we'll look at eco printing
The Essence of Things + Nature Collage
Getting to the heart of nature in your art for simple impact through paint and collage
Planting Seeds, Nurturing Shoots
A library of resources, from podcasts to videos, books to blogs, all carefully chosen to help you expand on your favourite aspects and spend more time immersing in nature and bringing it into your art.
+ 2 bonus lessons
Make your own brushes using natural materials, and explore nature through wordplay, including that most minimal of nature inspired poetry - Haiku

Hi, I'm Tara
I’m your guide on this artist adventure!
I was a city girl for over thirty five years, and couldn't imagine myself any other way. Things started to change when I moved from London to Brighton, a city on the south coast of England.
And then I moved to Cornwall, and everything really changed.
My home now is both coastal and rural. I live down a mile long single track lane; my house is surrounded by a garden, fields, and the sea.
And my art has evolved literally into the landscape; I've made paintings about rock pools and life under the sea. I've explored making my own pigments and eco printing. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
So I've been both town mouse and country mouse, and while it may be easier for me now to step out of my front door and 'be in nature', I also know there are ways to find a bit of nature wherever we are.
Just so you know, I'm not David Attenborough! I'm still learning plant names in my local area, my gardening skills are entry level, and keeping house plants alive is still a bit hit and miss.
This course isn't about being green fingered, or knowing a lot about nature; it's about being willing to explore and immerse and discover, and translate your findings into art.
"Tara's course couldn't have come at a better time. I needed an excuse to pause, turn away from the distressing news cycle, and take some time to just explore. I find that when I remember to do that then I discover a renewed energy for my art work.
I am enjoying the lessons! Plan to share some sketches soon but having lots of fun and may never actually move on from the second lesson."
Ann Nemcosky
Which option is for you?
Pay full price or in three installments - either way you receive the complete course immediately with lifetime access.
Convert to your currency 👉 here 👈
"Just wanted to thank you for your ... courses, especially Into Nature. I am enjoying your course in my own calming pace and it is giving me some new perspectives on my old [plant] friends."
Lin H.
"Thank goodness for your Into Nature course which is gentle and embracing - I have bought some walnut ink and look forward to experimenting."
Leslie Carrington
Questions & Answers
Who is Into Nature for?
I don't know anything about plants and/or I live in a city - can I still take the course?
What materials will I need for the course?
Does it matter what part of the world I'm in?
How long do I have access for?
Is there a community?
I have another question