So fun discovering yesterday that we're all a bunch of book nerds as well as artists. 🤓 {Always happens!}
And now that we've all made a dent in our bank balances and broken the internet investing in all the lovely art books from yesterday, let's talk tools!
Our tools - and how we use them - play an important part in what makes our work unique to us.
Whether you're a brush person, a fingers person, a whatever-you-can-lay-your-hands-on person, or all of the above, show us a photo of your favourite art tool today.
If you have several, share any or all of them!
It could be a shot of you using the tool, or the tool arranged artfully beside your work, or a photo of your hand holding the tool up for the camera.
Play with ways to display it until you find one you love.
Bonus points for telling us why you love it so much. You could even share a short video of you using it, or use the
Boomerang app to show a very quick demo.
Here's one I did previously.