My Full Website is getting a makeover! In the meantime, you can download a free Kajabi course launch checklist below.

Keep getting stuck and frustrated making one piece of art at a time?

Create a collection and transform your artist life. 

A bold statement, right?

And I'm not usually one for extravagant claims. But creating art in collections (or series) truly can be game changing, not just for your art, but for the way you experience being an artist and making those creative dreams real.

Creating in collections has helped me hone my voice, stay consistent (without having to only do one thing), build a sustainable art practice, gain confidence, and share and sell my work in ways that feel good to me.

I mean, that's not nothing.😁

If you've wanted any - or all! - of those things, I've put together the Create a Collection course to help you do just that!

Doors are currently closed, and will reopen later in the year. {Dates TBC.} If you'd like to be kept in the loop, click the button and add your name to the waitlist.



Create a Collection

A course that guides you through the process of making your art in series from start to finish, so you can make more art, more often, with more confidence, consistency and ease, and a distinctive aesthetic that's all your own.

How many of these common artist experiences happen for you?


✔️ Making your art is sporadic - you struggle to create and sustain a regular practice, and often don't know where to start or keep reinventing the wheel.

✔️ You describe yourself as 'scattered' or 'unfocused', and believe you love too many things, so you feel like it's hard-to-impossible for you to create work that works together.

✔️ You want to sell your art but need a body of consistent work, and because you love so many things, you both find it hard to settle on just one, and also kind of resent feeling you have to do that.

✔️ You don't have a studio or much space to create, and feel that it's holding you back from making really solid and consistent work.

✔️ You've made a lot of art but are still finding it hard to find yourself in it - there's a lot of influence from others in there, and what you really want is to know and express what's unique to you. {You may also worry you don't have a unique-to-you voice or style.}

✔️ You find yourself getting stuck in unhelpful mental loops about your validity as an artist, your skill or ability, your worthiness, or any other negative self talk that makes it all feel hard, or even stops you creating at all sometimes. 

While not all of these may be true for you, if even one or two resonate, creating in collections could make a significant difference for you.

The truth is, creating art in collections is not for everyone. 

Some kinds of art are better served by a one-at-a-time kind of focus, and some artists just prefer to work that way.

There's no right or wrong.

But for many artists, it means the difference between ...

... struggling away making one piece at a time, getting stuck, unsure how to finish it or fearing it's ruined, avoiding the studio because you don't know what to do or feel mired in self doubt ...

... and always knowing what you're going to do during studio time, keeping the energy flowing, developing and completing pieces more easily, seeing clear evidence of your distinctive artist voice as it grows stronger, feeling the confidence of having a solid body of work you can approach galleries or other opportunities with, simply enjoying creating your art more ...

The benefits are many!

Wondering if Create a Collection would work for you?

This course can help you if you:

  • Are fed up with getting stuck on single pieces, and want more time spent in flow
  • Have never tried making art in collections before and would like to see how it could benefit you
  • Have tried making art in collections but for whatever reason couldn't get it going, and would like to try again with guidance and support
  • Have made art in collections before, but have lost your mojo recently and would like a supportive and guided container for your next one
  • Would love to sell your art - or sell more of it with greater confidence - but struggle to create work that looks consistent
  • Want to develop your voice as an artist and be clear about what that feels and looks like
  • Want to build a sustainable practice that feels good and is realistic for your life
  • Know that your mindset is making it all harder than it needs to be but are not sure how to shift it
  • Know that some gently structured guidance and a 'container' of time and focus works for you in accomplishing your goals
  • Would benefit from feedback, answers to your questions, and guidance from an artist who's been there and understands the ins and outs {me!}
  • Want to connect with a small group of kindred artists working on the same thing for support and friendship

You don't need
this one if you:

  • Already have a solid practice of making your art in collections
  • Make the kind of art that really needs to be created one at a time
  • Feel clear and confident in your artist voice and the kind of art you're known for
  • Are happy with how much time you're spending in the studio
  • Sell your art regularly through channels that work for you 
  • Have your own reliable ways to handle the mindset stuff that can come up
  • Have artist friends and groups you feel good in and that provide the support you need

But what about... ?

If you identify as someone who's interested in all sorts of different things, and are wondering whether:
  • making art in collections will be repetitive or boring for you
  • it's going to be about making the same thing over and over
  • it'll suck the fun and creativity out of your art
... I have good news for you. 😊

It's totally possible to explore an idea in depth without repeating the same thing again and again until you're bored to tears and the spark goes out of the art.

In the course, we'll talk about how you can approach your collection in a way that feels exciting and expansive, so you can keep the variety you need to feel motivated and inspired.

And you get to decide how many pieces you'll create {you can always adjust this in either direction if you find you have more to say or feel complete with your chosen focus}.

What's Included

Laying the Groundwork

  • The Invitation: 3 things to consider before you start for maximum benefits
  • Current State of Play: A 2 step exercise to work out your starting point and identify your strengths and direction
  • How & Why to Create and Use a Studio Journal: track your progress, notice patterns, and generate insights for a more fulfilling practice

Studio Preparations

  • Choosing Your Idea: Deciding on your focus without stifling your creativity, and what to do if you have too many or too few ideas
  • Your Materials: Identify and gather what you need to create your collection
  • Your Space: Prep your creative space for a smooth process
  • Your Plan: Use your calendar to create a path forward that allows for flexibility

The Process

  • Creating Your Collection: Developing and establishing your unique process
  • Titling Your Work: A wealth of ideas for deciding on titles for both your collection and the pieces in it
  • Taking Breaks: Factor in rest {and interruptions!} so you can create sustainably
  • Completing Your Collection: How to know when it's finished and what to do with pieces that don't seem to fit

The Mindset Stuff

  • Demon Management: How to address the most common unhelpful thoughts and beliefs that can come up along the way, so you can keep creating with more ease and pleasure

Selling Your Art

  • Pricing Your Art: How to choose your approach
  • Presenting Your Collection Online: How you can show your beautiful new collection 
  • Email newsletters: How to make them work for you 

✨Plus! ✨

  • An intimate group of likeminded artists to connect with, and close support from Tara
  • A guide to approaching and working with galleries {get up and running}
  • A generous and exclusive discount on Artwork Archive {and why you may want to consider it}
  • A one page collection planner you can download and use for each new collection

What students say about my offerings:

"Your videos and courses have already made such a huge difference to my art and given me much confidence and pure joy in making art without the anxiety.

Your honesty, empathy,  kindness, generosity and understanding is unique and of course, your talent. You have been the single most constant influence on my art since I started."

Karin Vermeulen

"An amazing thing just happened--the list of accepted entries to the 43rd Artist Guild of Spartanburg Show was just posted, and both of mine were accepted... I am in shock right now, and am going to walk the dogs to calm down. This is a tribute to what Tara has told us that OUR OWN art, what comes from inside of us, is always the best way to create. I could never have done the body of work that I've done this spring and summer without the amazing encouragement that this group and Tara's Life Lessons for Artists has given me!"

Elizabeth Winters

"I had contacted a couple of galleries and never got a follow up response. Tara made some suggestions and even forwarded me what she had used in the past. Well guess what? I got into both of them! I will forever be grateful for the encouragement from her and the community of artists. Everyone is so positive! Thank you Tara!!!"


Jennifer Zardavets

"Tara's courses and programs are informative, well organized and ...she provides  support, encouragement and inspiration for our growth as artists. Tara has a clear, honest and forthright approach to life and art which I find refreshing."

Judy McKenzie Daniels

"Please don't ever stop doing what you are doing. I have learned so much from you, your courses, emails and kind words. Things that if I had heard them in high school when I first started studying art I would have continued with it and not left it for twenty years. I appreciate all that you offer as an artist and a mentor and I hope you never stop inspiring people to just give it a go….you have truly inspired me to keep going and I can't thank you enough for your encouragement."

Brooke de Canha

"Wow! I have taken my share of courses and watched plenty of videos. Your instruction and tips spoke volumes to me in a way that hit home. I've already started experimenting! So much fun! Thanks again!"



DATES TBC - use the yellow buttons on this page to jump on the waitlist ✔️

Our private Facebook group will be open for the 5 weeks of the course, and you will have ongoing access to the course materials for as long as you need.

Your options for Create a Collection

Pay in Full


Single Payment

  • 5 phases of lessons unlocked gradually that take you through the process of planning, preparing, creating, and selling your collection
  • Videos with closed captions, audio, text, and workbooks
  • Guidance to set up a process that works for you and is repeatable for years to come
  • An intimate online group space to share, get feedback, and connect with artist friends
  • Ongoing access to the course materials
  • Bonuses to help you sell your collection

Payment Plan

$135 x 3

Over 3 months

  • 5 phases of lessons unlocked gradually that take you through the process of planning, preparing, creating, and selling your collection
  • Videos with closed captions, audio, text, and workbooks
  • Guidance to set up a process that works for you and is repeatable for years to come
  • An intimate online group space to share, get feedback, and connect with artist friends
  • Ongoing access to the course materials
  • Bonuses to help you sell your collection

Convert to your currency using this handy tool


Hello, I'm Tara 

I'm an artist, author, teacher, creator of many courses and the Happy Artist Studio. 

I help artists to find their way through the colourful maze of artist life to establish their voice, a solid practice, and the confidence to create and share the art that feels true to them.

I was inspired to make Create a Collection because of how significantly my art and life shifted once I switched from one-at-a-time painting to making art in collections.

I went from experiencing all the frustrations I've outlined above - the mindset stuff, the getting stuck and confused, the stop-start practice, the resistance to consistency etc - to developing art that people recognise as mine, selling it to collectors around the world, and feeling good about my practice, process and voice.

If you feel like Create a Collection might be what you need to start to make that shift for yourself, I'd love to share what I know with you, and support you in building something beautiful, fulfilling, and sustainable.

You may be wondering...

The Create a Collection course will help you build a body of work that reflects who you are as an artist, that you feel confident to share and sell.

It's a process you can use again and again for years to come.

Ready to change your artist life?