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For artists who want to enjoy making art en plein air without feeling self-conscious

Expand your art practice beyond the studio

Ever felt like 'plein air' is something for the landscape oil painters with fancy pochade boxes and portable easels? Not sure how it would fit into your own art practice? Feeling uncomfortable about people asking questions or watching you at work?

This short free workshop shows you how to set yourself up for a beautiful plein air experience, with less awkwardness, more confidence, and an approach that works for you and how you want to make your art.

Sign up to get the plein air workshop and open up your creative world - it's free!

You'll also get access to Artnotes (most Mondays) - inspiration filled emails sharing stories, free and paid offerings, and tips you can take to the studio.

Welcome to:

How to Feel Comfortable Making Art Outdoors

Take your art practice out into the world with this mini workshop

Practical tips

This 16 minute workshop shares 8 practical ways to set yourself up for a beautiful experience making art outdoors.

Simple solutions

Plein air doesn't have to be complicated. I'll show you how I approach it, and offer some ideas for materials you can play with.

Make it your own

No pochade box required! {Unless that's your jam.} The right way for you is your way. I'll shine a light on some possibilities.

It's easier than you think to enjoy making art out in the world


This is for you if you:

  • Resist making art outdoors because you feel self-conscious
  • Feel like plein air isn't for you because you can't see how it would fit with your current practice
  • Don't feel excited about drawing or painting the landscape representationally, but still want to try plein air
  • Want to feel more at ease making art in public spaces
  • Would love some ideas to make art outdoors that feel exciting and doable for you

Sign up to get the plein air workshop and open up your art world - it's free!

You will also get access to Artnotes (most Mondays) - inspiration filled emails sharing insights, stories, and tips you can take to the studio.

Hello👋, I'm Tara

I help artists like you go beyond the copying and step by step to discover what you want to say with your art, and the way you want to express your distinctive, unique self.

I created this mini workshop because when I stopped resisting and creating rules around making art en plein air, I found a few little tricks that have made it a treat and a pleasure, bringing an enriching layer to my artist life.  

You don't have to take loads of paraphernalia, or paint what you see in front of you, or feel quite so awkward knowing people might see. Instead, drop your details in the form, and in about 20 minutes you'll have enough practical ideas and motivation to try it out for yourself. 

What previous students say:

"I absolutely love your courses - you fill me with encouragement and a positive outlook on my creativity!"

Leslie Carrington

"Thank you for the work you do to encourage fellow artists!! Because of your emails and the website, I keep painting, am continually inspired and getting better as an artist!"

Pamela Beatty

"Tara’s like the doubting artist whisperer! So very grateful I found her encouraging voice and teaching."

Alison Kaczmarek

Be ready for the good weather!

Find out how you can make plein air art easy and low maintenance, whether you want it to be part of your usual practice, a way to bring in fresh energy and inspiration, or an occasional fun artist date. 

Sign up to get the plein air workshop and open up your art world - it's free!

You will also get access to Artnotes (most Mondays) - inspiration filled emails sharing insights, stories, and tips you can take to the studio.